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We believe in open source CFD and open access to publications. Our open source CFD codes are available on GitHub, and our papers can be found on arXiv  or on ResearchGate

Submitted for Publication

  1.  A.P.S. Bhalla and N.A. Patankar. A unified constraint formulation of immersed body techniques for coupled fluid-solid motion: continuous equations and numerical algorithms. Submitted. (arXiv)

  2. K. Koponen, A.P.S. Bhalla, B. Sprinkle, N. Wu, Nils Tilton. A direct forcing, immersed boundary method for conjugate heat transport. Submitted.

Journal Publications

  1. R. Thirumalaisamy and A.P.S. Bhalla. A consistent, volume preserving, and adaptive mesh refinement-based framework for modeling non-isothermal gas-liquid-solid flows with phase change. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 105060 (2025). (DOI)

  2. K. Khedkar, A.C. Mamaghani, P. Ghysels, N.A. Patankar, A.P.S. Bhalla​. Preventing mass loss in the standard level set method: New insights from variational analyses. Journal of Computational Physics, 520, 113495 (2025). (DOI)

  3. D. Yang, J. Wu, K. Khedkar, L.M. Chao, A.P.S. Bhalla. Hydrodynamics and scaling laws for intermittent S-start swimming. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,  984, A2 (2024). (DOI

  4. R. Thirumalaisamy and A.P.S. Bhalla. A low Mach enthalpy method to model non-isothermal gas-liquid-solid flows with melting and solidification. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 169, 104605 (2023). (DOI)

  5. K. Kim, A. P. S. Bhalla, and B. E. Griffith. An immersed peridynamics model of fluid-structure interaction accounting for material damage and failure. Journal of Computational Physics, 493, 112466 (2023). (DOI)

  6. R. Thirumalaisamy, K. Khedkar, P. Ghysels, and A.P.S. Bhalla. An effective preconditioning strategy for volume penalized incompressible/low Mach multiphase flow solvers. Journal of Computational Physics, 490, 112325 (2023). (DOI)

  7. L. Claus, P. Ghysels, Y. Liu, T.A. Nhan, R. Thirumalaisamy, A.P.S. Bhalla, and S. Li.   Sparse approximate multifrontal factorization with composite compression methods. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  (2023). (DOI)

  8. Z. Lin, D. Liang, A.P.S. Bhalla,  A.A. Sheikh Al-Shabab, M. Skote,  W. Zheng,  and Y. Zhang.  How wavelength affects hydrodynamic performance of two accelerating mirror-symmetric undulating hydrofoils. Physics of Fluids, 35(8) (2023). (DOI)

  9. L-M Chao,  A.P.S. Bhalla, and L Li. Vortex interactions of two burst-and-coast swimmers in a side-by-side arrangement. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1:13, (2023). (DOI)

  10. Y. Zeng, H. Liu, Q. Gas, A. Almgren, A.P.S. Bhalla, L. Shen. A consistent adaptive level set framework for incompressible two-phase flows with high density ratios and high Reynolds numbers. Journal of Computational Physics, 478, 111971 (2023). (DOI)

  11. Z. Lin, A.P.S. Bhalla, B.E. Griffith, Z. Sheng, H. Li, D. Liang, and Y. Zhang. How swimming style and schooling affect the hydrodynamics of two accelerating wavy hydrofoils. Ocean Engineering, 268, 113314 (2023). (DOI)

  12. K. Khedkar, and A.P.S. Bhalla. A model predictive control (MPC)-integrated multiphase immersed boundary (IB) framework for simulating wave energy converters (WECs). Ocean Engineering, 260, 111908 (2022). (DOI)

  13. Y. Zeng, A.P.S. Bhalla, and L. Shen. A subcycling/non-subcycling time advancement scheme-based DLM immersed boundary method framework for solving single and multiphase fluid–structure interaction problems on dynamically adaptive grids. Computers & Fluids, 105358 (2022). (DOI)

  14. G. Sharma, N. Nangia, A.P.S. Bhalla, B. Ray. A coupled distributed Lagrange multiplier (DLM) and discrete element method (DEM) approach to simulate particulate flow with collisions. Powder Technology, 398, 117091 (2022). (DOI)

  15. R. Thirumalaisamy, N.A Patankar, A.P.S. Bhalla. Handling Neumann and Robin boundary conditions in a fictitious domain volume penalization framework. Journal of Computational Physics, 448, 110726 (2022). (DOI)

  16. R. Bale, A. P. S. Bhalla, B. E. Griffith, and M. Tsubokura. A one-sided direct forcing immersed boundary method using moving least squares.  Journal of Computational Physics, 440, 110359 (2021). (DOI)

  17. E.M. Kolahdouz, A.P.S. Bhalla, L.N. Scotten, B.A. Craven, B.E. Griffith. A sharp interface Lagrangian-Eulerian method for rigid-body fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Computational Physics, 443, 110442 (2021). (DOI

  18. K. Khedkar, N. Nangia, R. Thirumalaisamy, A.P.S. Bhalla. The inertial sea wave energy converter (ISWEC) technology: Device-physics, multiphase modeling and simulations.  Ocean Engineering, 229,  108879 (2021).  (DOI)

  19. R. Thirumalaisamy, N. Nangia, A.P.S. Bhalla. Critique on “Volume penalization for inhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions modeling scalar flux in complicated geometry”.  Journal of Computational  Physics, 433, 110163 (2021). (DOI)

  20. L. Parrinello, P. Dafnakis, E. Pasta, G. Bracco, P. Naseradinmousavi, G. Mattiazzo, A.P.S. Bhalla. An adaptive and energy-maximizing control optimization of wave energy converters using an extremum-seeking approach. Physics of Fluids, 32, 113307 (2020). (DOI)

  21. P. Dafnakis, A.P.S Bhalla, S. Sirigu, M. Bonfanti, G. Bracco, and G. Mattiazzo. Comparison of wave-structure interaction dynamics of a submerged cylindrical point absorber with three degrees of freedom using potential flow and computational fluid dynamics models. Physics of Fluids, 32, 093307 (2020). (DOI)

  22. A.P.S. Bhalla, N. Nangia, P. Dafnakis, G. Bracco, and G. Mattiazzo. Simulating water-entry/exit problems using Eulerian-Lagrangian and fully-Eulerian fictitious domain methods within the open-source IBAMR library. Applied Ocean Research, 94 (101932), 2020. (DOI)

  23. E.M. Kolahdouz, A.P.S. Bhalla, B.A. Craven, B.E. Griffith. An Immersed Interface Method for Discrete Surfaces. Journal of Computational Physics, 400 (108854), 2020. (DOI)

  24. N.Nangia, N.A. Patankar, and A.P.S. Bhalla. A DLM immersed boundary method based wave-structure interaction solver for high density ratio multiphase flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 398 (108804), 2019. (DOI)

  25. B. Sprinkle, A. Donev, A.P. S. Bhalla, and N.A. Patankar. Brownian Dynamics of Fully Confined Suspensions of Rigid Particles Without Green's Functions. Journal of Chemical Physics, 150 (16), 2019. (DOI)

  26. N.Nangia, B.E. Griffith, N.A. Patankar, and A.P.S. Bhalla. A robust incompressible Navier-Stokes solver for high density ratio multiphase flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 390, 548-594, 2019. (DOI)

  27. T. Dombrowski, S.K. Jones, G. Katsikis, A.P.S Bhalla, B.E. Griffith, D. Klotsa. Transition in motility mechanism due to inertia in a model self-propelled two-sphere swimmer. Physical Review Fluids, 021101(R), 2019. (DOI)

  28. N.K. Patel, A.P.S. Bhalla, and N.A. Patankar. A new constraint-based formulation for hydrodynamically resolved computational neuromechanics of swimming animals. Journal of Computational Physics, 375, 684-716, 2018. (DOI)

  29. N. Nangia, H. Johansen, N.A. Patankar, A.P.S Bhalla. A moving control volume approach to computing hydrodynamic forces and torques on immersed bodies. Journal of Computational Physics, 347:437-462, 2017. (DOI)

  30. B. Sprinkle, R. Bale, A.P.S. Bhalla, M.A. MacIver, N.A. Patankar. Hydrodynamic optimality of balistiform and gymnotiform locomotion. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 26:31-43, 2017. (DOI)

  31. F. Balboa Usabiaga, B. Kallemov,  B. Delmotte, A. P. S. Bhalla, B. E. Griffith, and A. Donev. Hydrodynamics of suspensions of passive and active rigid particles: A rigid multiblob approach. Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science.  11(2). 217-296, 2016. (DOI)

  32. B. Kallemov, A.P.S. Bhalla, B.E. Griffith, and A. Donev. An immersed boundary method for rigid bodies. Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 11(1), 79-141, 2016. (DOI).

  33. W. Kou, A. P. S. Bhalla, B. E. Griffith, J. E. Pandolfino, P. J. Kahrilas, and N. A. Patankar. A fully resolved active musculo-mechanical model for esophageal transport. Journal of Computational Physics, 298:446-465, 2015. (DOI)

  34. R.Bale, I. D. Neveln, A.P.S. Bhalla, M.A. MacIver, and N.A. Patankar. Convergent evolution of mechanically optimal locomotion in aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates. PLoS Biology, 13(4):e1002123 (22 pages), 2015.  (DOI

  35. R. Bale, A. A. Shirgaonkar, I. D. Neveln, A.P.S. Bhalla, M.A. MacIver, and N. A. Patankar. Separability of drag and thrust in undulatory animals and machines. Nature Scientific Reports, 4:7329 (11 pages), 2014. (DOI)

  36. R. Bale, M. Hao, A.P.S. Bhalla, and N.A. Patankar. Energy efficiency and allometry of movement of swimming and flying animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 111 (21), 7517-7521, 2014. (DOI)

  37. R. Bale, M. Hao, A.P.S. Bhalla, N.K. Patel, and N.A. Patankar. On Gray’s Paradox: A fluid mechanical perspective. Nature Scientific Reports, 4:5904 (5 pages),  2014. (DOI)

  38. A.P.S. Bhalla, R. Bale, B. E. Griffith, and N. A. Patankar. Fully resolved immersed electrohydrodynamics for particle motion, electrolocation, and self-propulsion. Journal of Computational Physics, 256:88-108, 2014. (DOI)

  39. A.P.S. Bhalla, B.E. Griffith, N.A. Patankar, and A. Donev. A minimally-resolved immersed boundary model for reaction-diffusion problems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(21):214112 (15 pages), 2013. (DOI)

  40. A.P.S. Bhalla, B.E. Griffith, and N.A. Patankar. A forced damped oscillation framework for undulatory swimming provides new insights into how propulsion arises in active and passive swimming. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(6):e100309 (16 pages), 2013. (DOI)

  41. A.P.S. Bhalla, R. Bale, B.E. Griffith, and N.A. Patankar. A unified mathematical framework and an adaptive numerical method for fluid-structure interaction with rigid, deforming, and elastic bodies. Journal of Computational Physics, 250:446-476, 2013. (DOI)

  42. I.D. Neveln, R. Bale, A.P.S. Bhalla, O.M. Curet, N.A. Patankar, and M.A. MacIver. Undulating fins produce off-axis thrust and flow structures. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 (2), 201-213, 2013. (DOI)

  43. S. Chakraborty and A.P.S. Bhalla. Controlling microchannel gas flow rates through  time-modulated pressure pulsation. Journal of Applied Physics, 102 (11), 2007. (DOI)

Unpublished Reports

  1. A.P.S Bhalla. On immersed boundary kernel functions: a constrained quadratic minimization perspective. (arXiv)

  2. A.P.S Bhalla, M. G. Knepley, M.F. Adams, R. D. Guy, B. E. Griffith. Scalable smoothing strategies for a geometric multigrid method for the immersed boundary equations (arXiv)

Theses  [** Refers to Advisee]

  1. A.P.S Bhalla. Constraint-Based Immersed Boundary Technique for Multiphysics Problems. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2013. (ProQuest)

  2. R. Thirumalaisamy**. Advances in Volume Penalization Methods for Simulating Multiphase Fluid-Structure Interaction and Phase-Change Phenomena, Ph.D. Thesis, Joint San Diego State University - University of California San Diego PhD Program in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2024. (eScholarship

  3. K. Kaustubh**. Advances in the level set method for multiphase fluid-structure interaction with ocean engineering applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Joint San Diego State University - University of California San Diego PhD Program in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2024. (eScholarship)

  4. N. Nangia**. An Adaptive Constraint-Based Immersed Body Method for Multiphase Fluid-Structure Interaction. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University, 2019. (ProQuest)

  5. D. Jones**. Machine Accurate Mass Conserving Interface Capturing Methods for Two Phase Flows. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University, 2023. (ProQuest)


Computational Fluid Dynamics and Flow Physics Laboratory

Department of Mechanical Engineering

San Diego State University 

San Diego, CA 92182

© 2018 by BhallaGroup

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