Prof. Amneet Pal S. Bhalla
E-323G, Department of Mechanical Engineering
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-1323
Phone: (619) 594-2043
Fax: (619) 594-3599
The Computational Fluid Dynamics and Flow Physics Laboratory (Amneet Bhalla, PI) is a computational science and engineering research group at the San Diego State University affiliated with the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
We draw methods from applied mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering to model complex flow phenomena arising in engineering and biological applications. Particular emphasis of the group is on the numerical methods development for computational fluid dynamics and computational fluid-structure interaction problems. The group works on a broad range of flow physics topics such as aquatic locomotion, renewable energy device modeling, vehicular aerodynamics, electrical and chemical driven flows, multiphase flows, and flows encountered in bioengineering and biomedical applications. The broad goals of the group are to develop mathematical models for flow phenomena in engineering devices and processes and to use novel simulations to interrogate the underlying physics of the problem, with the aim of improving and optimizing the engineering design.
We disseminate most of our work via open source IBAMR code, which is a distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary method with support for Cartesian grid adaptive mesh refinement. Significant efforts are expanded by us to enhance, maintain, and document the IBAMR software to increase the user base and to establish new collaborations.