Group News
(11/08/2024) Paper on advancing the low Mach enthalpy method got accepted in the International Journal of Multiphase Flow. [Paper URL]
(10/06/2024) Paper on mass loss prevention in the standard level set method got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(05/08/2024) Prof. Bhalla received an NSF CBET award on modeling acoustic transport of micro bubbles in blood vessels. [NSF Project Abstract]
(01/25/2024) Paper on hydrodynamics and scaling laws for intermittent S-start swimming got accepted in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. [Paper URL]
(08/29/2023) Paper on low Mach enthalpy method to model non-isothermal gas–liquid–solid flows with melting and solidification got accepted in the International Journal of Multiphase Flow. [Paper URL]
(06/23/2023) Paper on effective preconditioning strategy for volume penalized multiphase incompressible/low Mach solvers got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(06/02/2023) Paper on vortex interactions of two burst-and-coast swimmers got accepted in the Journal Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. [Paper URL]
(11/28/2022) Paper on hydrodynamics of wavy airfoils got accepted in the Journal Ocean Engineering. [Paper URL]
(12/13/2022) Prof. Bhalla received the prestigious NSF CAREER award to support his research on phase change modeling. [NSF Project Abstract]
(06/06/2022) Professor Bhalla received a Summer Visiting Faculty Fellowship from the Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Project to develop scalable multiphase flow solvers. Prof. Bhalla, and PhD students Ramakrishnan Thirumalaisamy and Kaustubh Khedkar spent 10 weeks at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as part of this project.
(07/03/2022) Kaustubh's paper on model predictive control (MPC) integrated multiphase immersed boundary simulations of wave energy converter devices got accepted in the Journal Ocean Engineering. [Paper URL] [GitHub Code]
(02/24/2022) Paper on subcycling/non-subcycling time advancement of immersed boundary equations on dynamically adaptive grids got accepted in the Journal Computers and Fluids. [Paper URL]
(09/17/2021) Ramakrishnan's paper on handling Neumann and Robin boundary conditions in a fictitious domain volume penalization framework got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(04/12/2021) Paper on one-sided immersed boundary method using moving least squares got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(04/12/2021) Paper on immersed-Lagrangian-Eulerian method got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(03/09/2021) Kaustubh's paper on multiphase modeling of the Inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter (ISWEC) device got accepted in the Journal of Ocean Engineering. [Paper URL]
(01/28/2021) Ramakrishnan's paper on Neumann boundary conditions got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(05/13/2020) Kaustubh's inertial sea wave energy converter (ISWEC) paper is on the arXiv.
(04/10/2020) Research on wave-energy conversion featured on NSF XSEDE website. [News URL]
(03/26/2020) Immersed Lagrangian-Eulerian Method paper in on the arXiv.
(09/02/2019) Implicit Brinkman penalization paper got accepted in Applied Ocean Research. [Paper URL]
(08/14/2019) The group received a 5-year NSF grant on developing multiphase flow framework for modeling several innovative applications in Medicine, Biology, and Engineering. [Paper URL]
(08/13/2019) Panos' point absorber wave energy converter paper is on the arXiv. [Paper URL]
(07/28/2019) Ludovico Foglietta starts his six months research visit at SDSU. Ludovico is visiting from Politecnico di Turin, Italy. Welcome to Ludovico!
(07/23/2019) Immersed Interface Method (IIM) paper got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(07/01/2019) Nishant's wave-structure interaction paper got accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics (JCP). Nishant published 3 JCP papers with Prof. Bhalla. JCP is one of the most rigorous and prestigious journals for publishing computational and applied mathematics research. Congrats, Nishant! [Paper URL]
(04/25/2019) Brownian dynamics paper accepted in the Journal of Chemical Physics. [Paper URL]
(04/08/2019) Prof. Bhalla gave an invited talk at the University of California at San Diego. The talk was a Fluid Mechanics seminar organized by the MAE department at UCSD. [Paper URL]
(04/04/2019) Implicit Brinkman Penalization Method paper is on the arXiv. [arXiv URL]
(03/25/2019) Multiphase flow paper accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. [Paper URL]
(03/15/2019) Prof. Bhalla gave an invited talk at Colorado School of Mines. The talk was a joint colloquium between Applied Mathematics & Statistics and Mechanical Engineering departments at Mines. [Seminar URL]
(02/27/2019) Panagiotis Dafnakis starts his six months research visit at SDSU. Panos is modeling his wave-tank experiments of point-absorber wave energy converters using our computational framework. Panos is coming all the way from Turin, Italy. Welcome to Panos!
(02/08/2019) Nishant successfully defended his Ph.D thesis. Congrats, Nishant! [URL]
(01/22/2019) Nishant's wave-structure interaction paper is on the arXiv. Congrats, Nishant! [URL]
(01/18/2019) Rigid body Brownian dynamics integrator paper is on the arXiv. [URL]
(01/09/2019) Paper got accepted in Physical Review Fluids. [Paper URL]
(12/17/2018) Immersed Interface Method paper is on the arXiv. [arXiv URL]
(11/18/2018) Several talks from the group presented at the APS-DFD 2018 conference in Atlanta, GA.
(10/01/2018) Nishant's multiphase paper is on the arXiv. Congrats, Nishant! [URL]
(09/12/2018) Research featured in the Deixis magazine. [News URL]
(08/16/2018) PI Bhalla joins SDSU as an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering department.